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Innovative search engine optimization and ranking require exact targeted links for specific web sites.

search engine optimizationRanking and Link popularity is important because it is a major factor in high search engine rankings. In order for your web site to reach the targeted audience it must be on the top of the major search engines.

It is a difficult task to stay ranking high on search engine listing as well as secure targeted links you already have. Securing targeted links is a difficult task to stay on top of, but it can be done efficiently by constant monitoring and updates, trough maintenance.

We do thinks differently from the competition. We find that quality link partners will get you results 10-100 times better then the links the most of the competition has to offer.

Reciprocal links

This is archived by offering the link partners a link in high ranked niche directories in exchange for a link to your website.

Search engines can recognize if a link is a one-way link or if it is two--way link (a reciprocal link). Securing incoming links that are reciprocated will be the key to long term top ranking success.

The kind of sites you want to be link partners with are usually top ranking sites (your competition) on major search engines such as Google, Yahoo etc. (in terms of keywords and phrases).

These are just some of the reasons of why it is so difficult to find and maintain link popularity.

Top Keywords

Top 200 Google search results for "Your Top Keyword".
This list represents the first 200 results from Google for your top search term. These are obviously relevant links. Top 100 results on Google for search: "Your Top Keyword + Links"
By identifying and then securing the links you need to get on top of your competition on a month to month basis.



Target Links Pricing

20 Links $35 per link $ 700.00
50 Links $30 per link $1,5000.00
100 Links $25 per link $2,500.00
These are RELEVANT and high ranking links.

To get started with targeted links and on your way to top rankings...
- Send appropriate payment via pay pall.
- Email us at links@studio6.ca with the following information:
Name, Email address, Phone number, URL, Top three keywords, Preferred Link Text.

You will receive your report upon completion. Our goal is to complete your initial order within 30 days of your order.

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